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Immunity and our internal environment

Our immune system is a complex network of functions that is designed to eliminate foreign substances, pathogens, dead or abnormal cells out of the body. I would like to bring your attention aspects that support immune function which you can influence by your own daily choices. First, here is an overview of elements that make our immune system:

physical barriersinclude skin, mucus membranes, Cilia, gastric juices, saliva, sebum, defecation, urination and hyaluronic acid in different tissues.

Non specific cellular responseincludes immune cells like macrophages which devour pathogens and toxins and break them down or T-cells that attack an antigen. (an antigen is usually a protein. It can be a part of a pathogen or a substance which produces an immune response).

Specific cellular responsefor example B cells that secrete a specificantibody (immunoglobulin) which attacks a specificantigen.

Our immune system is constantly learning and developing. Once we encounter a particular virus, our immune system will remember that virus (or it’s antigen) and will have a specific response ready when this kind of virus enters the system again. Immunization targets this kind of specific response training process.

Understanding cellular response to pathogens is important. We can see that exposure to pathogens is essential for the development of our immune response. One could question whether avoidance of pathogens is a healthy practice and whether it would lead to a stronger immunity. Is it necessary to live life in fear? Rather than trying to avoid viruses and bacteria, perhaps there is another practical avenue that we can pursuit?

I would like to bring to your attention something which has a tremendous effect immunity.

That is the environment within our body. Our internal environment is determined by what we ingest, inhale, drink or absorb through the skin. It is influenced by the way we think and feel, and by our experiences. It is effected by electro-magnetic radiation around us and the stressful life we lead. All of these factors influence our PH, toxicity levels, how electric information flows through our body, it influences our hormones and nervous system and effects the function of every organ and every cell. Our internal environment can be a fertile ground for pathogens or not. It can support our immune function or cripple it.

Here are some examples to illustrate this idea:

Imagine a house that is north facing with wide windows. It is full of light. Now imagine a south facing house with a big tree shading it. Both houses may have mould spores in them, but the latter is likely to accumulate moisture and develop mould. It is the environment that either supports mould growth or not.

In one sqm of soil there may be thousands of seeds. But they don’t all sprout because different conditions in the soil will support only certain seeds to sprout. Some will thrive in an acidic environment and others in a more alkaline environment.

Cancer for example may develop when the body is saturated with toxins and viral load or when the body is positively charged for a prolonged time.

While reading this article you are actually covered with viruses and bacteria – they are everywhere. But you don’t keep getting infections all the time, right? If your internal environment is in relative balance and your immune system is well supported, you would remain in health and live in harmony with all these pathogens. A person may be feeling good for a while until the conditions change and allow a virus to thrive; leading for example to a cold sore on their lips.

Our internal environment is important because it may encourage or discourage pathogens. Of course, we are lucky that WE CAN INFLUENCE OUR INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT!

When the body is saturated with toxins and overwhelmed with stress hormones, the environment becomes ideal for pathogens, so they are able to proliferate. At the same time immune cells are busy clearing toxic matter and are less available for dealing with pathogens. The lymph system becomes more sluggish too..

Remember those antibodies that attach to pathogenic antigens? They are made of amino acids which needs to be a part of a diet along with zinc, vitamin C and other essential nutrients. This means that in order to remain healthy it is important to provide the right building blocks and actively support the body to discard toxins.

Apart from the chemical aspects that are fundamental to our internal environment, it is important to remember that our body is electric. Light and electricity are an avenue for information and communication. Modalities such as Acupuncture, light therapy or PEMF address these aspects of our body.

Note that the chemical and electric aspects of our biology are always affecting each other and are inter-related. Electricity is information, the chemicals are the materials. They are like Yin and Yang. In the ancient texts of Chinese Medicine, this relationship was defined clearly: Qi (Yang/energy/electricity/information) leads matter (Yin) and at the same time Qi is affected and supported by matter. For example, Heavy metals deposited in our body can interfere with electric pathways (matter effecting Qi). Movement of venous blood back up towards the heart is driven by electrical impulses (Qi leads matter).

So, in order to support your immunity:

Make sure you include the right building blocks for a strong immune system.

Clean your lifelong toxicity.

Educate yourself about the toxins that are surrounding us in today’s life - in food, water and the air that we breath. Learn how to avoid toxins as much as possible.

Improve the way information flows thorough your body through treatment as well protecting yourself from radiation.

Make sure you de-stress and laugh a lot!

And if you are not sure how to approach all of that – I will be happy to support you!

Gal Mor


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